Weight loss can be tough. After a few weeks of hard work and dedication to your new lifestyle, you’ll probably begin to notice results.

But a few weeks later you may not feel any different.

Don’t feel bad, this is a common occurrence known as a weight loss plateau and it happens to most people on a long-term weight loss plan.

But a plateau doesn’t have to spell the end of your great progress. Here are five tips to help you break the dreaded weight loss plateau.

1. Re-Evaluate Your Habits

Admittedly, it’s all too easy to get back into bad habits. All it takes is a few extra spoonfuls of ice cream or a few extra cheat meals and suddenly you’re sabotaging your progress.

Before you make any major adjustments, take a look in the mirror and see if your habits may be the root of the problem.

For instance, maybe you’ve been stress eating. Or you could be improperly tracking your meals.

Bad habits aren’t always intentional, but they can ruin your progress if you don’t catch them fast enough.

2. Examine Your Overall Health

When you hit a plateau in weight loss, it doesn’t always mean you aren’t putting in the effort.. You’re hitting the gym and sticking to your diet, but you’re still not getting the results you once were.

Before you get too frustrated, remember that there’s more to your health than the number on the scale.

Don’t assume that your lifestyle changes aren’t having an effect. You may be gaining muscle or toning preexisting muscle.

Both are fantastic, healthy changes that don’t always reflect weight loss.

3. Switch Up Your Exercise Routine

Sometimes our biggest enemy is our own body. Our bodies each have their own metabolic rates which determine how we store and break down food.

When you first begin losing weight, it’s often from a metabolic boost that comes from a better diet and more regular exercise. But over time, your metabolism is going to get used to the routine and adjust.

That’s why it’s a good idea to switch up your exercise routine from time to time.

The more varied your exercise routine, the more muscle groups you’re strengthening and the more work your metabolism has to do.

4. Adjust Your Caloric Allowance

Just as your body adjusts to your exercise routine, it does the same for your caloric intake.

The most accurate way to determine your caloric needs is to talk to your physician or a nutritionist. Together, you can create a comprehensive diet according to your goals.

5. Get More Sleep

Finally, make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Aside from helping you feel rested, sleep burns fat keeps our hormones in check.

To get a better night’s rest, keep the electronics out of the bedroom, avoid using smartphones, laptops, and tablets an hour before bed, and create a nightly routine.

Beat Your Weight Loss Plateau With These Tips

There’s nothing more frustrating than a weight loss plateau, but it doesn’t have to spell disaster for your progress. Be sure to incorporate these tips to help get back on track!

If you’re interested in beginning your weight loss journey, be sure to get in touch to schedule your appointment. Everyone is different, so let our specialists create an individualized plan for your goals!
